Blackberry Melomel Mead "Light Blackberry Mead" Recipe: ******* 12.00 lb Wild Flower Honey 24.00 Oz Frozen Blackberries Yeast: ****** 2.00 pkg Lalvin 71B-1122 Yeast (prepared in a honey starter) 6.00 tsp Yeast Nutrient Notes: ****** 5.75 gal OG: 1.080 FG: 1.001 24+ hours before: 2.5 cups of water with 0.5 cups of honey brought to a boil Yeast nutrient added. 1 pkg of yeast pitched and placed on stir plate 2nd pkg was added to starts to hydrate about 30 mintues before pitching. 1 gal water heated up to 180 F with honey added. 12 oz of frozen berries added. Yeast nutrient added. 2.5 gal of cold water added to carboy with 12 oz of frozen berries. Added warm honey/berry water to cold carboy. SG a 5 gal was 1.090. Added .75 gal of cold water SG at 5.75 gal was ~1.078 Pitched yeast starter at ~100 F. 2010/12/12 ********** Temperature at 1800 is warm... 75 F. Strong fermenation started after 4 hours. Nice fruity / honey aroma. 2010/12/12 ********** Temperature at 1100 55 F. Strong fermenation. Nice fruity sharp berry aroma. Berries are starting to turn pale. 2010/12/20 ********** Temperature at 1100 53 F. Strong fermenation. Sharp berry aroma. Berries are pale. 2011/01/09 ********** Transfered of lees and berries to secondary (about 2 weeks later than should have) Temperature at 1200 53 F. Fermenation slow but active. Slight honey aroma with a hint of sharp berry. Slight yeast aroma. Warm alcohol without fusels. SG: 0.999 Mead is cloudy, and color is pale orange-pink. 2011/08/29 ********** Mead has been kegged a number of months Carbonated at 18 psi (high) Strong wildflower honey aroma. Perceived sweetness from aroma. Tang/tart from blackberries. Slight aftertaste of bitterness from carbonation.